Government of the

Principality of Hutt River


******** MEDIA RELEASE ********
PHR Subjects concerned about
CofA borrowings

Media Release 14th May 2013


HRH Prince Leonard Raises the Concerns on Behalf of His Subjects
with the Australian Attorney-General and Governor General.

Given the concerns raised by our Subjects resident in the Commonwealth of Australia, I found agreement with many's cause for concern over what are believed to be apparent "illegal borrowings" made by the Commonwealth of Australia, borrowings that have assisted Australia in sinking into the depths of debt to which they are now find themselves. Given this, I have written to the Hon. Mark Dreyfus AC., MP Attorney-General and followed up with a letter to Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, raising concerns over the matter of CofA borrowings and asking confirmation of some matters. I have now ordered copies of those letters to be published so that our Subjects are aware that this Government is indeed raising their concerns with the Australian Government.
The letter may be viewed using the link below.

    HRH Prince Leonard
Principality of Hutt River
            May 2012

For further information contact:

HRH Prince Leonard


Letters may be downloaded and viewed here in .PDF form VIEW HERE!



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